Chip’s Top-rated NCAAM Power Play winner!
(NCAAB) Bears (BAY) vs. Red Raiders (TTU),
Point Spread: -8.50 | -105.00 Red Raiders (TTU) (Home)
Result: Win
Point Spread: -8.50 | -105.00 Red Raiders (TTU) (Home)
Result: Win
Baylor at Texas Tech 9:00 ET
Red Raiders (-) over Bears - After coming off of a huge win like Texas Texas pulled off in overtime against Houston last time out I would normally look to play against the Red Raiders. But, Baylor is also coming off of a n upset win defeating Kansas after trailing by 21-points and ended up winning by 11 as the Jayhawks fell apart. But the Bears are impostors and will fall short here. Take TEXAS TECH!
Red Raiders (-) over Bears - After coming off of a huge win like Texas Texas pulled off in overtime against Houston last time out I would normally look to play against the Red Raiders. But, Baylor is also coming off of a n upset win defeating Kansas after trailing by 21-points and ended up winning by 11 as the Jayhawks fell apart. But the Bears are impostors and will fall short here. Take TEXAS TECH!