(MLB) Texas vs. Chi White Sox,
Money Line: -172.00 Chi White Sox (Home)
Result: Loss
This is a 7* MID-CHALK CHOKE-OUT on the Chicago White Sox.

The visitors hand the ball to Colby Lewis (6-3, 4.37 ERA) who is coming off a decent outing vs. the Twins on Saturday, going seven innings, giving up three runs off four hits for the victory. If Lewis has had one clear weakness this season though, it's definitely been his play on the road where he's just 3-3 with a 5.27 ERA. The home side counters with Chris Sale (6-3, 3.01 ERA) who is coming off a loss despite striking out 12 vs. the Rays on Sunday; in all the southpaw would give up two runs off three hits over 6 2/3's innings of work: "Sale did a tremendous job," White Sox bench coach and interim manager Mark Parent assessed afterwards. "We just need to pick it up offensively, that's for sure. The maturity of Sale from this year to last year is going through the roof, just on and off the field," Parent said. "It seems like he has really matured in my opinion to that next level, almost superstar-type guys. He knows that people depend on him, the team depends on him to come out each time there's a two-game losing streak to win a ballgame." Note that Sale is 2-1 with a 2.76 ERA in front of the home town crowd this year. Despite pitching a gem last time out, Sale was denied the victory, putting added emphasis on tonight's contest and making this a price that I have no issues at all in laying; play on the WHITE SOX.

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