4* NHL POwer Play
(NHL) Devils (NJ) vs. Flyers (PHI),
Money Line: -148.00 Devils (NJ) (Away)
Result: Loss
Money Line: -148.00 Devils (NJ) (Away)
Result: Loss
The New Jersey Devils are the more talented team and are getting the nod from oddsmakers because they're supposed to be the better team. The Flyers have won three of the last four games against the Devils so this is a big revenge spot.
The New Jersey Devils are the only team in the league to rank top 5 for both power play and penalty kill percentage this season.
Take NJ to get the road win on Monday.
The New Jersey Devils are the only team in the league to rank top 5 for both power play and penalty kill percentage this season.
Take NJ to get the road win on Monday.